Ross Payton

After Hours: Seize the Initiative

Initiative systems in miniatures war games: the most controversial topic in all of gaming or of all time?  Aaron, Shaun, and I discuss the initiative systems of various war games, from Konflikt 47, to Warhammer 40k. I also got a few of the new Warhammer books, so we make fun of the naming system in Death Tome Flesh Eaters Court, which is already a pretty silly name.

Song: Role Initiative by Queen Wolf

Click here to download the episode.

Don’t Cross the Stream: Speed Racer

The 2008 movie version of Speed Racer is a trip and a favorite of many of our cast members. Bridget, Noah, Richard, Thad, and I discuss how the overly-saturated visual chaos and splendor of this movie can be translated into gaming fodder. From civilization building games that explore the cost of building the tracks used in the movie, to using slot cars in a RPG, we have it all!

Song: Speedracer Theme ’08 (TheBloodyBeetoots Remix)

Click here to download the episode.