RPPR Illustrated: Night’s Black Agents – Tribes of Tokyo

Patsy has depicted our vampire-slaying hijinks for this month’s illustration.

“Here in their secret hideout/boat cabin, surrounded by trophies,  research materials and assorted gangster supplies, the ‘Ronin’ are  combining their skills to hatch another incredibly ambitious and  over-complicated heist plan.

From left- Shinji the  ascended-fanboy hacker, Ito the soft-spoken former Yakuza, Haru the  iron-willed mastermind, Kazuo the Reverb-addicted forger, and Shiro the  ex-CIA badass.

Many thanks owed, of course, to Crazon/@reviewcultist for the original character designs.”

Art by Patsy McDowell

Click here to view the artwork.

After Hours: Dark Conspiracy – Nightsiders the Musical!

After seeing Hamilton, I’ve realized that RPGs have yet to conquer the musical. I assembled some musical experts (Michelle, Aaron, and David) to discuss turning a RPG scenario into a musical. I picked Nightsiders, an adventure from Dark Conspiracy because it has zombies and it’s been a while since we’ve looked at Dark Conspiracy.

RPPR Illustrated: The Heroes of New Arcadia

Patsy has immortalized our Wild Talents campaign, the Heroes of New Arcadia:

“Young summoner The Martyr, with the ever-helpful Balgron; the  totally-legit superhero Zero-Shift, bamfing in just in the nick of time  as ever; The deadly robot assassin R.A.M., otherwise known as the  distressed man-in-a-can Ho-Bot, the homeless robot; Deceased  super-scientist Phantom Mech, flawlessly disguised in a fedora and  trenchcoat; Median, the construction worker cursed with alien robot  hands, struggling to use his cell phone; and Chirop the man-bat,  enjoying a latte while swinging his favoured weapon, the  air-conditioning unit. Will they prevail against a shadowy conspiracy of  gangsters, super-soldiers, evil Scandinavians,and forces darker still?”

Thank you for supporting RPPR! We have a lot of great episodes for you in August and we are still streaming weird videos every week on our Discord. Come by and check them out.

Art by Patsy McDowell

Click here to view the artwork.