A little over 10 years ago, I began RPPR Actual Play. Since then, we’ve had a lot of great games. Patsy picked some of the more memorable characters I’ve played:
“In the centre, we’ve got the big boss of Role-playing Public Radio, Ross Payton, enjoying a well-earned tot of rum from the comfort of his brutalist mcmansion. Around him, anticlockwise from top left, we have a few choice NPCs- Warbot 5000, the surly twitch-streamer robot from Gate 9; Balgron The Fat, the amiable but devious goblin from The New World; Cool Rat, the super-rad mascot villain of Sucrose Park; and the sinister Deer Hunter who terrorised Fallen Flag.
On the outside, anticlockwise from top left, we have Sheldon Baker, Ace Reporter from Bryson Springs, as he begins to ‘see the strings’; Hard-boiled social worker McBain from The Haunting, grittily reviewing his new case; Agent Provost of God’s Teeth, leaving a token of his appreciation for his co-workers; Kowloon and Ludwig the architecture-quoting dronkey of the Brutalists, friends to children everywhere; heroic military engineer/newspaper editor Castor of Nagalisitu, delivering a mighty dressing-down to a treacherous comrade; and Bartleby of Know Evil, fighting for their life against a horrifying Exsurgent threat under the surface of Luna.”
Art by Patsy McDowell
Click here to view the artwork.