RPPR Illustrated: The Printed House

A map suitable for modern, superhero, and post-apocalyptic games. A prototype mansion built with 3d printers controlled by AI. Somehow it all went wrong.

Concept: The Printed House was envisioned by a billionaire tech venture capitalist as a prototype of the future of housing. The billionaire knew houses were machines to live in, but why not make them more easily modifiable? The house is a metal framework with embedded industrial 3d printers and arms, so that the house can be modified. Cutting-edge AI systems controlled the 3d printers. Unfortunately the 3d printers had insufficient safety protocols and the billionaire was killed in an accident.

The house was abandoned as lawsuits swirled over it. The family fought with investors and business partners for the Printed House and its technology. No one fully understands the technology in the House. The family thinks they have shut the AI system off, but that isn’t entirely correct.

View the map here.

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