Tag: shaun

After Hours: Vaporhack – Hacking the Wave

groceriesWe have mentioned vaporwave time and time again on RPPR, but we haven’t really talked about in. Now is the time! Tom, Aaron, Shaun, and I listen to various vaporwave songs and critique them. We also talk about the cinematic masterpiece that is ‘Double Down’ by Neil Breen. Of course, we also review THREE RPG books:

Savagery of the Spider-Men for Legendquest (couldn’t find a relevant link)
Operation Perfect Blue
Waste World

The vaporwave we listen to:

  1. 1. Corporate Wonders® for Windows 3.1 by Workspace 3.1
  2. 2. Dying To Tell You This by マクロスMACROSS 82-99
  3. 3. Polydreaming Mall by Lindsheaven Virtual Plaza
  4. 4. HOUSEWARES by 식료품groceries

Watch Double Down on Youtube!

Download the episode here.

WoD The Heck: Hunter the Reckoning

hunter-booksIn this episode, we cover Hunter the Reckoning, because I personally own the entire game line.  We will eventually cover every game line before we dive into specific books but I wanted to touch on that first. Hunter is kind of a hot mess but one I enjoyed back in the day. I even found a PDF chronicling my campaign of H:TR back in the day. It’s also attached to this post.

Click here to download the episode.

Song: 一人で_dark​.​adx by High School Drama Teacher