After Hours: Left Behind and d20 Modern Rapture The Second Coming

I recently found a copy of Rapture: The Second Coming, a d20 modern setting book and realized we had to talk about it here. But in order to understand this…unique setting, some of the RPPR cast (Caleb, Aaron, and Birk) and I watched the Left Behind movies. What is the Rapture? You can learn the theological background to this belief system with a 2 hour documentary on Youtube from Renegade Cuts or you can just listen to us dig through a weird book made in the height of the d20 shovelware era.

After Hours: Just Mall Ninja Things

A discussion of tactical blowguns during a Blades in the Dark game got me thinking about mall ninjas. A mall ninja is a person who loves ‘tactical’ gear, weird knives and useless accessories for firearms. I got Birk, Noah, and Baz together to look through some Shadowrun and Cyberpunk source books to find the equipment most suitable for mall ninjas in our world.